Hello Hello !
Life at my new house is quite lovely. it has all the perks of living in a house (like a mom and a dog and millions of pounds or groceries and lots of nice dishes and a garden and a big comfy sofa) and none of the bad stuff (my housemates mom fled to the coast so I don't have to worry about being out late and stuff, not that I would anyway cause she's really nice and laid back.) And instead of grumpy sibling(s)/roomates(s) have a glamourous housemate who I have lots in common with.
I bought two goldfish because I decided I needed to lavish love on some creature. Their names are Mochi and Sashimi and they're very cute. I feed them Cheerios and they like to swim around in the current that their water filter makes. Pctures coming soon!
Went to my very first strip club last night. It was this divey off-the-freeway place called, of all things, "Jiggles" ... but inside it wasn't so bad. Some of the girls did really cool pole tricks but most of them slunk around in their incredibly tall shoes. The clientele wasn't as skeezy as I would have thought, either - there were a lot of youngish people and no one gave the girls a hard time. There was this one girl who came up to our table and started talking to us about how she was bored and lazy and didn't want to go on stage. She was my hero.
I was lap-danced upon which was kind of uncomfortable because I didn't know what to do! just sit there? stare in awe? I suppose it's easier if you're a dude because I'm assuming boobs are more fascinating to dudes. On the whole I drew these conclusions:
- that I would not like to work at a place like Jiggles because it seemed very difficult to get enough tips to cover the stage fee without grubbing for them or being too pornographic on stage for my taste (not to mention that it's called Jiggles ...
- that the girls were really cute and nice cheerful, and that I too would like to have perfect abs and ridiculously long legs.
- that I'm glad there are girls in the workd who are comfortable with being their naked selves and being sexy
Mostly it reminded me how much I like the concept of SG and all the creativity that gets put into our shoots.
Oh, another Friday at the office. It's nice to finally be able to update and just fuck around on the internet, it was a suprisingly busy week around the usually lagging office. The internet connection is still so slow that I still can't check the sets ... I' m like a month behind ... *sigh* I got so spoiled on wireless at College!
I've been waiting for Friday to arrive for quite some time now. ! What are you up to this Friday ?
Life at my new house is quite lovely. it has all the perks of living in a house (like a mom and a dog and millions of pounds or groceries and lots of nice dishes and a garden and a big comfy sofa) and none of the bad stuff (my housemates mom fled to the coast so I don't have to worry about being out late and stuff, not that I would anyway cause she's really nice and laid back.) And instead of grumpy sibling(s)/roomates(s) have a glamourous housemate who I have lots in common with.

I bought two goldfish because I decided I needed to lavish love on some creature. Their names are Mochi and Sashimi and they're very cute. I feed them Cheerios and they like to swim around in the current that their water filter makes. Pctures coming soon!
Went to my very first strip club last night. It was this divey off-the-freeway place called, of all things, "Jiggles" ... but inside it wasn't so bad. Some of the girls did really cool pole tricks but most of them slunk around in their incredibly tall shoes. The clientele wasn't as skeezy as I would have thought, either - there were a lot of youngish people and no one gave the girls a hard time. There was this one girl who came up to our table and started talking to us about how she was bored and lazy and didn't want to go on stage. She was my hero.

I was lap-danced upon which was kind of uncomfortable because I didn't know what to do! just sit there? stare in awe? I suppose it's easier if you're a dude because I'm assuming boobs are more fascinating to dudes. On the whole I drew these conclusions:
- that I would not like to work at a place like Jiggles because it seemed very difficult to get enough tips to cover the stage fee without grubbing for them or being too pornographic on stage for my taste (not to mention that it's called Jiggles ...

- that the girls were really cute and nice cheerful, and that I too would like to have perfect abs and ridiculously long legs.
- that I'm glad there are girls in the workd who are comfortable with being their naked selves and being sexy

Mostly it reminded me how much I like the concept of SG and all the creativity that gets put into our shoots.
Oh, another Friday at the office. It's nice to finally be able to update and just fuck around on the internet, it was a suprisingly busy week around the usually lagging office. The internet connection is still so slow that I still can't check the sets ... I' m like a month behind ... *sigh* I got so spoiled on wireless at College!
I've been waiting for Friday to arrive for quite some time now. ! What are you up to this Friday ?