It's raining today and I walked through the canyon to work waving a stick to brush away the spiderwebs. It's July, I'm sure back in California its ike 105 degrees but here the weather keeps up it's cloudyness. It's kind of a cheerful rain though, or maybe I just feel content so it doesn't bother me.
I didn't think working part time and living in a house could feel so full and easy. Doing things like picking raspberries or ironing my shirts of making dinner or watching the OC with my friend. I think its because for the first time in many years I'm not really stressed out about anything. Not about school or love or sports or work. It doesn't feel apathetic either - I have concerns (esp about love
) and ambitions - but it just feels really tranquil.
Work in the Print Shop is getting underway. Yesterday I had the biggest suprise when I went down there to show the maintenence guys which stuff was trash, and they were scraping all the thick black grime - emulsion and ink and dirt - off the floor, and the floor was white underneath! They'd done the sink too and I couldn't believe how good it looked! It's really amazing when people work so hard to help you and to make something rise to a level of awesome you wouldn't think possible.
I didn't think working part time and living in a house could feel so full and easy. Doing things like picking raspberries or ironing my shirts of making dinner or watching the OC with my friend. I think its because for the first time in many years I'm not really stressed out about anything. Not about school or love or sports or work. It doesn't feel apathetic either - I have concerns (esp about love

Work in the Print Shop is getting underway. Yesterday I had the biggest suprise when I went down there to show the maintenence guys which stuff was trash, and they were scraping all the thick black grime - emulsion and ink and dirt - off the floor, and the floor was white underneath! They'd done the sink too and I couldn't believe how good it looked! It's really amazing when people work so hard to help you and to make something rise to a level of awesome you wouldn't think possible.

It was awesome to meet you last night!!! 

things sound much improved from before. i am happy for you!