Yesterday I went out to Marin and we hiked around the lighthouse and in the forest. It was nice to breathe the clean air and stand on the edge of high cliffs looking out at the strangely flat-looking world.
Today I'm going to the beach with my sister and her friends (dissapointingly, no Boy or lessthanthree to keep me company). I plan on laying in the sun getting tan then playing in the ocean until my hair turns to dreadlocks and my skin is covered in sand and salt and seaweed.
Today I'm going to the beach with my sister and her friends (dissapointingly, no Boy or lessthanthree to keep me company). I plan on laying in the sun getting tan then playing in the ocean until my hair turns to dreadlocks and my skin is covered in sand and salt and seaweed.

ps; i found some pictures that reminded me of you and miss alohra...

Weee. Marin is only a couple hours from my neck of the woods. I've got beaches too, so come have some dreadlocks over here!
Then again, I've never been to Marin. Ah, we should have tea under the moon and be crazy like the Mad hatter from mercury poisoning.