This weekend was probably one of the most beautiful things I've experienced. It was this weekend long end of the year party with the theme of Ziggy Stardust, which means everything was glitter and glowsticks and bubbles and candy and glam rock. It felt like you'd stepped into a Francesca Lia Block book.
at College, where candy grows on trees.
at College, where cocktail umbrellas grow like space flowers and the sidwalks are made of glitter.
Friday was dancing, screaming drunk people kissing eachother and lighting things on fire, me drinking a bottle of purple wine and being hugged by everyone. It was so overwhelming I had to go hide in my room for a while. While Boy and I were waiting for the bus, this girl came up and asked to take a picture of us because we were so happy looking. So i took a picture of her back (but wont post it cause i only post pix of members and SGs for anonymity's sake.)
Boy took this picture of me at the bus stop being happy.
Saturday we spent the day eating chocolate covered strawberries and drinking Mike's Hard Lemonade while this band played whose lead singer impersonates Jim Morrison. Boy and i dropped acid under a deep blue sky and ate crepes and lay under the green summer trees til it was dark, then wandered under the colored lights that decorated campus. We watched fireworks that felt like they made the whole ground pound like a drum and sounded like millions of sheets of bubble wrap popping, lighting up my eyes with color. Everyone around us was drugged up and we all wandered over to where they were putting on a play where the cast was covered with glowsticks (so you couldnt see them, only the glowing outlines). We sat in the middle of a garden of plastic, glittery windmills and fried and laughed and kissed til it was over. Then there was more dancing and lighting things on fire, crowds of people and us kissing under every different color of colored light while wearing glowsticks on our heads and around our necks. Coming down while eating more crepes and laughing about how we'd started tripping while waiting in line for our first crepe and it was as if we'd just been waiting in line forever while the world spun around and blew through us. Then watching kids I know firedance on the front lawn and falling asleep to the sound of a 5 am dance party outside our window and all the "space flowers" we'd picked (plastic windmills, glowsticks and cocktail umbrellas) stuck in vases that were empty bottles of Mike's Hard Lemonade. Waking up with glitter still stuck to us and spending a sleepy sunday under the trees. Wonderful.

at College, where candy grows on trees.

at College, where cocktail umbrellas grow like space flowers and the sidwalks are made of glitter.
Friday was dancing, screaming drunk people kissing eachother and lighting things on fire, me drinking a bottle of purple wine and being hugged by everyone. It was so overwhelming I had to go hide in my room for a while. While Boy and I were waiting for the bus, this girl came up and asked to take a picture of us because we were so happy looking. So i took a picture of her back (but wont post it cause i only post pix of members and SGs for anonymity's sake.)

Boy took this picture of me at the bus stop being happy.
Saturday we spent the day eating chocolate covered strawberries and drinking Mike's Hard Lemonade while this band played whose lead singer impersonates Jim Morrison. Boy and i dropped acid under a deep blue sky and ate crepes and lay under the green summer trees til it was dark, then wandered under the colored lights that decorated campus. We watched fireworks that felt like they made the whole ground pound like a drum and sounded like millions of sheets of bubble wrap popping, lighting up my eyes with color. Everyone around us was drugged up and we all wandered over to where they were putting on a play where the cast was covered with glowsticks (so you couldnt see them, only the glowing outlines). We sat in the middle of a garden of plastic, glittery windmills and fried and laughed and kissed til it was over. Then there was more dancing and lighting things on fire, crowds of people and us kissing under every different color of colored light while wearing glowsticks on our heads and around our necks. Coming down while eating more crepes and laughing about how we'd started tripping while waiting in line for our first crepe and it was as if we'd just been waiting in line forever while the world spun around and blew through us. Then watching kids I know firedance on the front lawn and falling asleep to the sound of a 5 am dance party outside our window and all the "space flowers" we'd picked (plastic windmills, glowsticks and cocktail umbrellas) stuck in vases that were empty bottles of Mike's Hard Lemonade. Waking up with glitter still stuck to us and spending a sleepy sunday under the trees. Wonderful.

If I may ask, where did you go to high school?