Recently a few things have happened to put my recent stresses in perspective. Yesterday Boy got in a very bad car accident which left his car totaled but fortunately he only has a sore neck. I did have to go get him from the emergency room tho, poor guy. I'm so glad he's okay; it was really scary. It made our petty fights, however gigantic they seemed, seem meaningless.
I love that kid.
We ordered late night pizza and watched cartoon network and got stoned
(boy got a big fat perscription for vicodin filled this morning too) and went to sleep, then got groceries in the morning. I dont want to think about what happened too much; he is really lucky cause it was a really scary accident.
"were you scared?"
"No. I saw it happen before."
Do you ever feel like that? Today when I got home I just had this weird urge to call home. When I finally did get through it turned out that a loved one of mine was commited to the hopital. I really shouldnt say more out of courtesy, but my parents were pretty worn out an broken up about it. I felt bad trying to make them feel better because I used to be the problem, and now I feel like its me taking care of them, but I'm still a dumb kid to them ... I feel unequipped. But I'll try; I like it when they tell me they are happy to hear my cheerful voice; its just hard when I'm not cheerful.
Well at least no one's really injured and I hope things start looking up. This is a pretty heavy way to start the week
.... and it's only monday!
Recently a few things have happened to put my recent stresses in perspective. Yesterday Boy got in a very bad car accident which left his car totaled but fortunately he only has a sore neck. I did have to go get him from the emergency room tho, poor guy. I'm so glad he's okay; it was really scary. It made our petty fights, however gigantic they seemed, seem meaningless.

"were you scared?"
"No. I saw it happen before."
Do you ever feel like that? Today when I got home I just had this weird urge to call home. When I finally did get through it turned out that a loved one of mine was commited to the hopital. I really shouldnt say more out of courtesy, but my parents were pretty worn out an broken up about it. I felt bad trying to make them feel better because I used to be the problem, and now I feel like its me taking care of them, but I'm still a dumb kid to them ... I feel unequipped. But I'll try; I like it when they tell me they are happy to hear my cheerful voice; its just hard when I'm not cheerful.
Well at least no one's really injured and I hope things start looking up. This is a pretty heavy way to start the week

seems to me yer doin' the best thing possible... you're caring.

here's a puter hug for you dear!!