Spring Day
two Bad things today - psych midterm and doctor's visit.
two Good things - after some difficulty (with school protocol and conflicting emotions on my part), Boy is in fact coming up here after all and if we are happy living in the same city, we'll move in together in the summer. ♥ ♥ I have my fingers crossed. ♥ ♥
the other good thing - it was a perfect 75 degrees today, I wore a white dress, and Jen, Natalie, Jayne and myself had an topless afternoon sunning on the front lawn. After feeling all freaked out by the doctors office (guys, you can imagine the female equivalent of *turn and cough*), theres nothing more therapudic than having the sun on your skin and people around to laugh with.
two Bad things today - psych midterm and doctor's visit.
two Good things - after some difficulty (with school protocol and conflicting emotions on my part), Boy is in fact coming up here after all and if we are happy living in the same city, we'll move in together in the summer. ♥ ♥ I have my fingers crossed. ♥ ♥
the other good thing - it was a perfect 75 degrees today, I wore a white dress, and Jen, Natalie, Jayne and myself had an topless afternoon sunning on the front lawn. After feeling all freaked out by the doctors office (guys, you can imagine the female equivalent of *turn and cough*), theres nothing more therapudic than having the sun on your skin and people around to laugh with.
best of luck with that

I wish that I was with you on the lawn this afternoon. sad. How did the doctor's visit go? and your psych midterm? They talked about guns and the need to protect yourself the entire time at dinner. The party included the boy, the stepdad, the online girlfriend (ACK! SO WHITE TRASH), and 3 twenty-something year old friends of the stepdad. The friends each ordered the most expensive appetizers, oyster stew and salmon stuffed with brie, lobster and crab. Obviously the stepdad was paying. It was good food though. I ordered a bleu cheese and walnut salad, shared the boy's escargot with him and got thai chili Marlin with tropical salsa. yum. The boy and I had a talk on the way home about guns. I said that there's no way in hell I'm letting anything more harmful than a B.B. gun through my front doors. He argued with me for a while. Then, I figured out that he just wanted them for target practice, he figured out that he could keep one at his dad's house, and we were both happy. Blech, guns are disgusting. I just don't want them near my kids. I'm going to do anything I can to diminish the fear that society is going to try to instill in them.