Sometimes I feel like I don't fit in. I've been feeling like this too much lately. I've been feeling like the confident girl who started the year out feeling ahead has now fallen behind. I feel shy around my own friends. I spend a lot of time doing alone sort of things.
Its like the me from highschool is coming back with a vengeance. Where did this resurgance come from? I've always had a hard time getting close to people, to friends. Boys are a lot easier sometimes.
I've also bee having these doubts and questions about where my life is going and what the hell I'm doing. Im afriad that if i pursure what I love that I'll never succeed. I feel like my whole life I've never been really, really good at something ... just kind of decent but slightly sub par.
I'm also pretty sub-par at reading my bookmarks. I'm sorry guys.
Its sad I've had this mood swing on such a sunny day. There are these flowers outside my window that smell so insanely good. I like spring so uch, I think its just that whole concept of regereration that makes me feel like Im in a place I'd hoped to be ahead of. And this homesickness has taken hold of me. Yuk.
I think I'm going to go eat waffles now.
Sometimes I feel like I don't fit in. I've been feeling like this too much lately. I've been feeling like the confident girl who started the year out feeling ahead has now fallen behind. I feel shy around my own friends. I spend a lot of time doing alone sort of things.
Its like the me from highschool is coming back with a vengeance. Where did this resurgance come from? I've always had a hard time getting close to people, to friends. Boys are a lot easier sometimes.
I've also bee having these doubts and questions about where my life is going and what the hell I'm doing. Im afriad that if i pursure what I love that I'll never succeed. I feel like my whole life I've never been really, really good at something ... just kind of decent but slightly sub par.
I'm also pretty sub-par at reading my bookmarks. I'm sorry guys.
Its sad I've had this mood swing on such a sunny day. There are these flowers outside my window that smell so insanely good. I like spring so uch, I think its just that whole concept of regereration that makes me feel like Im in a place I'd hoped to be ahead of. And this homesickness has taken hold of me. Yuk.
I think I'm going to go eat waffles now.

i only have really strong friendships with women.
there are exceptions, but not many.
all but like three of my best/closest friends are girls.
i guess i feel like they understand me better.
but, if you need to talk about anything, drop me a line, aim me, or email me and ask for my number. its yours.
i really feel good when i am able to help people out.
and i've gone through a lot of shit in the past few years, so i have alot of experience with pain and dealing with shit in my own life.
plus you're a friend of a girl i know in real life! hah.
keep what i said in mind.
love, always.