Mixed Feelings
Do you ever feel like you have so many feelings they just overpower reason? Its the sort of ambivalence that is about too much, rather than not enough, if that makes sense.
:robots: Here's whats happening in Absinthe's world today! (ie, the land of skulls and robots. Heh, that sounds like a DH Lawrence book set in the future. Rad.
Today (well sort of today, its 2am) is my year-aversarry with Boy. Yesterday was my two year of virginity loss to same Boy.
two girls from my high school have just been accepted to be Suicidegirls.
When Alohra and I went dowtown, everything we did reminded me of Boy. We went to NW and to Elephants and to the Avalon and saw The Incredibles and Closer.
Closer hits too close to home, but its not really like my life at all.
Talked to Boy, when he told me he was sending me a letter I almost melted my socks off. ♥ And then lessthanthree on the phone but not for long enough. I miss her.
I wanted this perfect pink dress at Urban outfitters today, but alas, it was gone. So i got some green fairy shoes and silly stuff instead.
speaking of guilty pleasures, I want THIS so much. My billing info didnt work. Suck.
Flippin' Sweet.
Do you ever feel like you have so many feelings they just overpower reason? Its the sort of ambivalence that is about too much, rather than not enough, if that makes sense.
:robots: Here's whats happening in Absinthe's world today! (ie, the land of skulls and robots. Heh, that sounds like a DH Lawrence book set in the future. Rad.

Flippin' Sweet.
well as a strict definable literary current (with a certain structure, goal, ideas, etc.) no, it really isn't something new. But, post-modernism as a "state of things" I believe will always be the current state, seeing as how post-mordernism has a lot to do with recycling (remakes, retro inspiration) or the showing of the form of the art (ex: ceci n'est pas une pipe: technically a surrealist piece, but terribly post-modern). In literature most books written today are post-modern in the sense of the abolition of rules, writing for writing like the philosopher Baudrillard, things taken lightly, in the second degree... and quite ironically enough, modernism is a part of post modernism since p-m encompasses pretty much everything today... so bassicaly p-m doesn't exist, or totally exists, no matter since an all encompassing concept is an absolute paradox, thus absurdity makes things real. And so, many believe that p-m can't disapear because it isn't truly definable anymore (yeah I know... I just defined it... see paradox) and you can't disapear if you can't be precisely targeted.
anyhow, let's be beautiful and shut the hell up. superficality is so profound