I had 69 comments on my last entry ...
You know SG is a good place when you get more journal comments on your birthday than when your set goes up. Thanks everybody ! It really made my day.
After 6 blissful intimate weeks of wonderful codependancy, both winter break and my Boy are gone. His plane hasn't even touched down in California yet and I miss him already. Having that casual closeness, that connection, that comfort ... *sigh*
I dont know what I'm going to do to deal with this nebulous loneliness clinging to me already. I guess try to catch up on the mountains of work waiting for me. Just call me Sister Absinthe, cause its all nunlike celibacy from here on out.
p.s - And not in a sexy way like Al or Morticia either. *sigh*

You know SG is a good place when you get more journal comments on your birthday than when your set goes up. Thanks everybody ! It really made my day.

After 6 blissful intimate weeks of wonderful codependancy, both winter break and my Boy are gone. His plane hasn't even touched down in California yet and I miss him already. Having that casual closeness, that connection, that comfort ... *sigh*
I dont know what I'm going to do to deal with this nebulous loneliness clinging to me already. I guess try to catch up on the mountains of work waiting for me. Just call me Sister Absinthe, cause its all nunlike celibacy from here on out.

p.s - And not in a sexy way like Al or Morticia either. *sigh*

(I created a FLB group -- you might be interested in joining).
anyway... im going to college in a month. so im sure i'll get laid. woot!
love gavin.
x fuckin' o.