My Last Day
of break is today. Getting everything ready, packing up to go back to school. I'm not really ready to jump into a new semester - I have lots of work waiting for me already ...
but I hope I can manage. I'm exited to see my friends again and so happy to have a visitor coming with me.
I can't wait to share my city and my new home with someone I love.
Let me tell you I'm glad to be going back to a place where you can sit down on the toilet seat and not worry about scary germs ... where there's always clean dishes and random people dont trash your room. I'm such a princess
- living for five weeks under bachelor pad conditions has been quite long enough for me - although the
of living there have far outweighed the unsanitaryness.
I can never make my suitcase close ... and the return tip always seems to be harder to pack for, the stuff seems to multiply. Wish me luck and safety, I'll see you on the other side.
of break is today. Getting everything ready, packing up to go back to school. I'm not really ready to jump into a new semester - I have lots of work waiting for me already ...

Let me tell you I'm glad to be going back to a place where you can sit down on the toilet seat and not worry about scary germs ... where there's always clean dishes and random people dont trash your room. I'm such a princess

I can never make my suitcase close ... and the return tip always seems to be harder to pack for, the stuff seems to multiply. Wish me luck and safety, I'll see you on the other side.

1) eating Sushi
2) eating Sushi with hot SG girls while talking extensively about sex, SG and literature
3) Shop
4) shop some more
Scylla, Jen and I were going to bring you guys out for sushi sometime next week, but it appears that plans must be changed. However, these are not my only interests, and therefore I know that we shall get along splendidly.