Hot Date
Last night (post-tearful argument) we went out on an impromtu date. We drove around downtown, got fast food and went to the arcade. He got us $2 in tokens and played Street Fighter and explained to me about the games that every company since has ripped off, that pioneered all the other games. Like, Tekken and Street Fighter and Gauntlet. It was really interesting, I didn't know he knew so much.
Survey: What's your favorite video game? Mine's Tetris.
We played air hockey and he was totally kicking my ass so whenver he only had one point left to beat me, we'd run around the table and switch sides so we could play longer. Somehow i managed to score the plast point each time, so let's pretend I won, even though he got about 4 times as many points as me. It was cute.
He took me to see The Life Aquatic and we got popcorn and Skwinkles, because what the hell is a Skwinkle? Somethings wrong when you go the movie theatre and you cant get milk duds or junior mints. And
The Twenty
has come to the theatres here. Yuk. Alohra knows what I'm talking about. We saw some pretty formulaic previews that made me feel jaded: a religious-action-sci-fi thing with Keanu (*cough*matrix-ripoff*cough*) that i secretly wanted to see, and one of those scary horrow movies with a creepy little kid, yukky water and a creepy house, and a semi-hot starlet (Jennifer Connelly, you can do better ... go back to the Labyrinth!) - you guessed it, written by the guy who did the Ring.
Speaking of the Labyrinth, David Bowie did the music for The Life Aquatic. I felt like the movie was too smart for me - i think there were some jokes that went whizzing over my head while I fed Skwinkles to my Boy.
He makes my heart feel all Skwinkle-y.
Yeasterday afternoon Boy and I went downtown and went to the music store. Aiden was there and they jammed a jam while I looked for the most babe-attracting guitar and bass for them. When they were outside causing trouble I played this amazing drumset - the cymbals were all silver colored and the kit had like a million toms and it was all this burgundy color on the outside, the sound was incredible and it made me so happy to play because I haven't lived at home and thus havent practiced in over a year. I've never been very good, but it made me want to dust off my old drums and tune them and get back into it. Boy is getting really good at guitar. It's like he can hear a song and just play it.
We were supposed to go out tonight to see his friend's band play, but this morning we slept in and I woke up feeling like there are two golf balls stuck in my throat, I thought I just smoked too much the other day, but I think I'm seriously sick. Kill.
Last night (post-tearful argument) we went out on an impromtu date. We drove around downtown, got fast food and went to the arcade. He got us $2 in tokens and played Street Fighter and explained to me about the games that every company since has ripped off, that pioneered all the other games. Like, Tekken and Street Fighter and Gauntlet. It was really interesting, I didn't know he knew so much.

Survey: What's your favorite video game? Mine's Tetris.

We played air hockey and he was totally kicking my ass so whenver he only had one point left to beat me, we'd run around the table and switch sides so we could play longer. Somehow i managed to score the plast point each time, so let's pretend I won, even though he got about 4 times as many points as me. It was cute.

Speaking of the Labyrinth, David Bowie did the music for The Life Aquatic. I felt like the movie was too smart for me - i think there were some jokes that went whizzing over my head while I fed Skwinkles to my Boy.

Yeasterday afternoon Boy and I went downtown and went to the music store. Aiden was there and they jammed a jam while I looked for the most babe-attracting guitar and bass for them. When they were outside causing trouble I played this amazing drumset - the cymbals were all silver colored and the kit had like a million toms and it was all this burgundy color on the outside, the sound was incredible and it made me so happy to play because I haven't lived at home and thus havent practiced in over a year. I've never been very good, but it made me want to dust off my old drums and tune them and get back into it. Boy is getting really good at guitar. It's like he can hear a song and just play it.

We were supposed to go out tonight to see his friend's band play, but this morning we slept in and I woke up feeling like there are two golf balls stuck in my throat, I thought I just smoked too much the other day, but I think I'm seriously sick. Kill.

lessthanthree:, go see about your tour date!! I know they're coming to your town.

yay! we are on the internet at the same time. Go to the matches show!!!!!