Mom's are great. My mom went with me to the grocery store and we went down all the ailes and she bought me soup and cereal and jelly beans and sushi and juice and pretty much everything my hungry heart desired without me even having to ask. And just because I said I'd come home today and visit. I've never been so spoiled.
In junior high and highschool I used to keep a diary. Every year I go back and read the previous year, and I'm doing that right now. Its kinda cool to reflect and think.
I find myself longing for College again (except for the studying part), for the city. I love slouching around in Boy's comfy bed, but Im sick of sitting around while the boys play videogames. Life is meant to be lived !
Mom's are great. My mom went with me to the grocery store and we went down all the ailes and she bought me soup and cereal and jelly beans and sushi and juice and pretty much everything my hungry heart desired without me even having to ask. And just because I said I'd come home today and visit. I've never been so spoiled.

In junior high and highschool I used to keep a diary. Every year I go back and read the previous year, and I'm doing that right now. Its kinda cool to reflect and think.
I find myself longing for College again (except for the studying part), for the city. I love slouching around in Boy's comfy bed, but Im sick of sitting around while the boys play videogames. Life is meant to be lived !
two hours later, your zippped pppix sent! let me know if it works. give me a call tomorrow.

Being an alumni of your current school, and being myself currently in grad school elsewhere, all I have to say at the moment is treasure that break, because you're at a school that believes in giving you a massively long vacation to relax and recover, and god bless them for it. I HATE the quarter system.