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Hey ! its been a while. Ive missed you all terribly and thankyou for all the christmas well-wishes. I hope everyone had a great holiday and a great new-years. Any resolutions worth sharing?
I've been staying with Boy, its been wonderful except for the occasional fight and the fact that the place is trashed, i feel like I'm camping sometimes. Its nice not to have to use my brain much ... its nice to have some time off.
We went down to Ventura to see his family after christmas, I forgot how much I love SoCal. Its terrifying meeting relatives but I think it went alright. We played a lot of old Nintendo, I am a Tetris Master!
New Years started out bedly but ended well. Cat and her friend Sunny resued me from the house and we drove out to the bay where a couple of my friends are living right off Telegraph. I missed Cat and my old adventures are the closer we got, the more this great sense of relief washed over me. I love the city and if I'm ever rich enough I'll live there.
We went down to the Gilman to visit Cat and Sunny's friend who works there, and then over to this venue where they do webcasts of our favorite bands. Both venues were closed and I felt extremely cool going backstage and seeing the inner workings are hearing all the gossip about the bands we adore. Its under construction so the place was gutted, I cant wait to see it finished. The people working on it showed us around and we saw all the equipment and did a little photographing, if ya know what I mean.
New Years was rung in with with champagne and my dear friend Jack - it was cool - old friends and new, old places and new things, nostalgia and hope. I just wished I could have sealed it with a kiss from the Boy, but we promised next year.
Now to catch up on some sets - they have been incredibly hot lately ! I hopr to have something new for y'all in the the months to come.
Happy New Year !
Hey ! its been a while. Ive missed you all terribly and thankyou for all the christmas well-wishes. I hope everyone had a great holiday and a great new-years. Any resolutions worth sharing?
I've been staying with Boy, its been wonderful except for the occasional fight and the fact that the place is trashed, i feel like I'm camping sometimes. Its nice not to have to use my brain much ... its nice to have some time off.
We went down to Ventura to see his family after christmas, I forgot how much I love SoCal. Its terrifying meeting relatives but I think it went alright. We played a lot of old Nintendo, I am a Tetris Master!
New Years started out bedly but ended well. Cat and her friend Sunny resued me from the house and we drove out to the bay where a couple of my friends are living right off Telegraph. I missed Cat and my old adventures are the closer we got, the more this great sense of relief washed over me. I love the city and if I'm ever rich enough I'll live there.
We went down to the Gilman to visit Cat and Sunny's friend who works there, and then over to this venue where they do webcasts of our favorite bands. Both venues were closed and I felt extremely cool going backstage and seeing the inner workings are hearing all the gossip about the bands we adore. Its under construction so the place was gutted, I cant wait to see it finished. The people working on it showed us around and we saw all the equipment and did a little photographing, if ya know what I mean.

Now to catch up on some sets - they have been incredibly hot lately ! I hopr to have something new for y'all in the the months to come.
Happy New Year !


Sounds like you've had a good time.

jack baby, the second best boyfriend in the world.