I'm going home today. I've been waiting to go home pretty much from the minute I left home last, so it hurts to now, when that day has finally arived, to go home with a heavy heart. The boy is not pleased with me right now, I just hope we don't fight while I'm home, especially during the holidays.
Since I won't be back to my lovely laptop til Sunday, here are a few things I'm thankful for :
-good friends
-my set going up
-the semester being almost over and a cool new one starting
-this city that i love
-all the dorky things that make me happy
-the future
I supposed it all boils down to being lucky. Bad stuff happens but there's still a lot of good. And with that sappy toast, happy thanksgiving everyone, hope your journeys are safe and that mine is too.
Since I won't be back to my lovely laptop til Sunday, here are a few things I'm thankful for :
-good friends
-my set going up
-the semester being almost over and a cool new one starting
-this city that i love
-all the dorky things that make me happy
-the future
I supposed it all boils down to being lucky. Bad stuff happens but there's still a lot of good. And with that sappy toast, happy thanksgiving everyone, hope your journeys are safe and that mine is too.

happy holidays, green fairy.
Happy /w u