Well I Thought it Was Funny
I think I'm on the mend, I think my real problem is i eat too much candy and am a hypocondriac. Took a nap today but my dreams were full of anxiety.
I decided it was laughing that cured me. I photocopied my butt in Hello Kitty underwear yesterday. Lila and Sam and i couldn't get the copy machine to work and were falling all over ourselves laguhing about it. When finally the copier worked it printed out a bunch of copies by mistake and we stuck one all the wall next to some that these kids did of their faces. Within 2 minutes, this girl came by and ripped it down.
me: Hey!
her: all the other ones are cute and sweet, and this one is disgusting!
me: my ass isn't disgusting! Hello Kitty isn't disgusting!
her: hmph.
me: I think it completed the series well!
some people are lame. I should never be made to feel bad about my toosh. Or Hello Kitty.
There was this Slam Poetry thing after that whole incident, and the laughter continued with this guy who did Slyvia Plath and TS Eliot poems with hip hop all strewn in them. you really had to be there, but lets just say the milkshake song was quoted. And this girl, Karyna McGlin, who did this one about hipster dufuses that just made me flip.
"Let's Jump on my Vespa, and we'll go get Bubble Tea, and talk about David Sedaris..." You all know how I love to make fun of hipsters.
But anyway, some of my more serious and literate philosophy major friends didn't think it was funny.
The other day they told me I was using the word "totally" as a qualifyer, not a quantifyer. My response:
It totally is a qualifyer ...
Something's frustrating me today, I'm not sure what it is. My vague idea is that maybe people don't see me as i really am. That I'm either too innocent or too lewd and immature. That I'm either too nice or too mean and catty. I guess I'm just grappling with the whole idea of being - or who it really is that i actually am, and that as much as I want to be good, i end up falling short of my goal - what is that goal, even ... I'm sure reading Plato isn't helping at all, all this philosophical debate making me ask all these lame big questions about myself and, like Socrates, getting nowhere. Ug. Mental dribble. Mental masturbation.
see, there I go again ...
Why can't someone just appreciate me and the things i do/say for what they are, even if they are silly and dumb and lewd? Why can't we be frie-ends ... i don't want to have to curb my enthusiasm for life by being made to grow up. Ack.
Alohra were looking at the books she got at Countermedia of Richard Kern and Roy Stuart. Anyway it really made me think, where is the line between art and porn drawn? you should all go look.
I think I'm on the mend, I think my real problem is i eat too much candy and am a hypocondriac. Took a nap today but my dreams were full of anxiety.
I decided it was laughing that cured me. I photocopied my butt in Hello Kitty underwear yesterday. Lila and Sam and i couldn't get the copy machine to work and were falling all over ourselves laguhing about it. When finally the copier worked it printed out a bunch of copies by mistake and we stuck one all the wall next to some that these kids did of their faces. Within 2 minutes, this girl came by and ripped it down.
me: Hey!
her: all the other ones are cute and sweet, and this one is disgusting!
me: my ass isn't disgusting! Hello Kitty isn't disgusting!
her: hmph.
me: I think it completed the series well!
some people are lame. I should never be made to feel bad about my toosh. Or Hello Kitty.
There was this Slam Poetry thing after that whole incident, and the laughter continued with this guy who did Slyvia Plath and TS Eliot poems with hip hop all strewn in them. you really had to be there, but lets just say the milkshake song was quoted. And this girl, Karyna McGlin, who did this one about hipster dufuses that just made me flip.
"Let's Jump on my Vespa, and we'll go get Bubble Tea, and talk about David Sedaris..." You all know how I love to make fun of hipsters.
But anyway, some of my more serious and literate philosophy major friends didn't think it was funny.
The other day they told me I was using the word "totally" as a qualifyer, not a quantifyer. My response:
It totally is a qualifyer ...

Something's frustrating me today, I'm not sure what it is. My vague idea is that maybe people don't see me as i really am. That I'm either too innocent or too lewd and immature. That I'm either too nice or too mean and catty. I guess I'm just grappling with the whole idea of being - or who it really is that i actually am, and that as much as I want to be good, i end up falling short of my goal - what is that goal, even ... I'm sure reading Plato isn't helping at all, all this philosophical debate making me ask all these lame big questions about myself and, like Socrates, getting nowhere. Ug. Mental dribble. Mental masturbation.

Why can't someone just appreciate me and the things i do/say for what they are, even if they are silly and dumb and lewd? Why can't we be frie-ends ... i don't want to have to curb my enthusiasm for life by being made to grow up. Ack.
Alohra were looking at the books she got at Countermedia of Richard Kern and Roy Stuart. Anyway it really made me think, where is the line between art and porn drawn? you should all go look.
um... hello kitty/butt pics...? lets see 'em bee-otch!!

There are a lot of people who like to talk about how they are right and you are wrong. And sometimes I'm like that and sometimes you are like that too. But really, it's annoying when it's OTHER PEOPLE!