I voted today while watching the Emperor's New Groove. i hope that laughing didn't cloud my judgment or anything.
Speaking of clouds, its raining still. I finally got some wonderful clunky rainboots at the goodwill bins today ! Now my feet will be dry,
I'm sad because I tried to change my flight home on thanksgiving to an earlier one but couldn't. Logistics, cost, and unlikelyhood of even getting another flight. It sucks major balls.
Speaking of clouds, its raining still. I finally got some wonderful clunky rainboots at the goodwill bins today ! Now my feet will be dry,

I'm sad because I tried to change my flight home on thanksgiving to an earlier one but couldn't. Logistics, cost, and unlikelyhood of even getting another flight. It sucks major balls.


Working on it

well I'm glad you're back and not hating me.