I hung out with the radtastic SuicideGirls last night at Ryan's house. Jack and Pabst were the only non-pink members there.
I was kinda nervous about it, because I felt like girls like these could've beat me up on the playground not so long ago and stepped on my glasses and taken my milk money and stolen my crush. But they are way cool and it was lots of fun, and if I'm not too much of a computer retard I will put some pictures up.
I've decided to curb the narcissism and update less in my own journal than read other peoples. I think I'm gonna do a little paring down of the old friends list, so if you're suddenly wondering where Absinthe is on your page, just leave me some compelling comments ("ur hawt" does not count) and I'll add you back. Also, if I haven't commented in yours in like a million years, I won't be sad if you do the same for me. I'm a terrible friend's page reader.

I was kinda nervous about it, because I felt like girls like these could've beat me up on the playground not so long ago and stepped on my glasses and taken my milk money and stolen my crush. But they are way cool and it was lots of fun, and if I'm not too much of a computer retard I will put some pictures up.

I've decided to curb the narcissism and update less in my own journal than read other peoples. I think I'm gonna do a little paring down of the old friends list, so if you're suddenly wondering where Absinthe is on your page, just leave me some compelling comments ("ur hawt" does not count) and I'll add you back. Also, if I haven't commented in yours in like a million years, I won't be sad if you do the same for me. I'm a terrible friend's page reader.

ur hawt!
I just had to say that ill think of something more witty next time