i woke up so nostalgic/homesick today. What's my problem? I've never been like this. Not when I moved out or when I went away for the summer. Even when I was like 14 and stayed on the east coast by myself.
Later on ...
Thouroughly unfun and unproductive day. I hate that, I say it so rarely. Pottery and Studying failed today. And my awesome photo printer is not working, i tried to set it up today for like 4 hours. Someone computer literate help me please .... I want pictures for my walls.
Later on ...
Thouroughly unfun and unproductive day. I hate that, I say it so rarely. Pottery and Studying failed today. And my awesome photo printer is not working, i tried to set it up today for like 4 hours. Someone computer literate help me please .... I want pictures for my walls.

call home! that could relieve something...