I woke up this afternoon to realize that I've completely lost my voice. Talking is really embarrasing. I'm like a frog that died.
Also, the baby swallows flew away yesterday. It's so sad to see the nest empty, even tho the miracle of life is cool.
Now, off to bed yet again. Me and my girls from the film dorm are getting all dressed up together in preparation for partying like rockstars.
p.s - edited to add -
I was startled from my nightly preparation of going out and causing mischief to hear this thuuding noise coming from my dormies' room. I look in and discover that they are playing a heated game of pogo/handball against the wall. There are so many times a day when I jut think to myself, 'only at this college.' When I see people riding bikes on fire under my window. When we made a rope swing in the student union. When there's a march all around campus with people banging on everything metal thay can find to make as much noise as possible. Just the fact alone that our weekend starts on wednesday. Baseball wihere to get past second base you have to pound a beer. "Dorm Meetings" that are really making pet rocks or doing shots of rum with kids who arent actually in our dorm. Only in college man,
Now, out to cause some trouble !!
Also, the baby swallows flew away yesterday. It's so sad to see the nest empty, even tho the miracle of life is cool.
Now, off to bed yet again. Me and my girls from the film dorm are getting all dressed up together in preparation for partying like rockstars.

p.s - edited to add -
I was startled from my nightly preparation of going out and causing mischief to hear this thuuding noise coming from my dormies' room. I look in and discover that they are playing a heated game of pogo/handball against the wall. There are so many times a day when I jut think to myself, 'only at this college.' When I see people riding bikes on fire under my window. When we made a rope swing in the student union. When there's a march all around campus with people banging on everything metal thay can find to make as much noise as possible. Just the fact alone that our weekend starts on wednesday. Baseball wihere to get past second base you have to pound a beer. "Dorm Meetings" that are really making pet rocks or doing shots of rum with kids who arent actually in our dorm. Only in college man,
Now, out to cause some trouble !!

If your voice is as beautiful as your face, then it should be a crime for you to lose your voice. Or maybe someone stole it? We'll find the bastard lol. Well, sorry the birds flew away. I had a similar experince with the racoons that live outside my house. The mom was gone for a couple of days and I thought she had died. Good news was that she was back tonight, Bad news is that now the little one won't let me pet him. I may post pictures of the little guy, but I am not sure if I should or not. Well, keep up the good work and until next time...
I miss college. Can I come back? I'm thin, I can live under your bed.