did you know this is only the second night since school (including orientation week) that I haven't jammed some sort of unhealthy/illegal substance into my body ?
If you don't count icecream and microwave pizza that is. (not illegal but yes unhealthy)
I think that's why I'm still awake ....
'there's a sick little suicide in all that we do. '
did you know that tampons are made of bleached cotton and rayon, and that a reaction between the rayon and the bleach makes a toxic chemical inside your body?
and here i thought I was liberating myself as a woman.
My HA told me so I believe her.
Yeah I'm sure you guys pay $4 a month to hear me talk about tampons.
in other news -
the baby swallows are about to fly away.
I got bubble tea this afternoon, it was tasty.
downloading free music rocks. rawks !
proletariat, unite !!
If you don't count icecream and microwave pizza that is. (not illegal but yes unhealthy)
I think that's why I'm still awake ....
'there's a sick little suicide in all that we do. '
did you know that tampons are made of bleached cotton and rayon, and that a reaction between the rayon and the bleach makes a toxic chemical inside your body?
and here i thought I was liberating myself as a woman.
My HA told me so I believe her.
Yeah I'm sure you guys pay $4 a month to hear me talk about tampons.

in other news -
the baby swallows are about to fly away.
I got bubble tea this afternoon, it was tasty.
downloading free music rocks. rawks !
proletariat, unite !!

Exercise = Feel terrible first, feel good later
Why must we all be so into instant gratification? Oh well, time to light up.
(To make myself feel better I must now exercise a little first ><... Fucking Okinawan crap pumping through my brain, this will take a while.)
Tampons are Gross, and so is talking about them =p
[Edited on Sep 08, 2004 11:22PM]
wait a min... the toxic shock syndrome is something u get when you do not change yer tampons frequently enough n it gets all nasty up in there... if you change frequntly and bathe proplerly, toxic shock syndrome should not occur...
(recommended is like every 4 hours when flow is heavy i think...)
p.s. i think maxi-pads are WAY more gross than tampons...