today is the first day of school ! (the real, learning part that is). I don't care waht you say, i will always love the first day of school, where the clothes are new, the pencils are sharp, and you still want to take like 3 pages of notes at a time. Me and my roomie went on the swings today!
I'm having some bank account woes today, its crappy having a bank in another state. Fortunately i drowned my sorrows (or rather, munched down my sorrows) in chocolate.
I'm having some bank account woes today, its crappy having a bank in another state. Fortunately i drowned my sorrows (or rather, munched down my sorrows) in chocolate.
You know, the seniors this year? Didn't sing. Wally was away, and they didn't sing. I couldn't believe it. They're like math majors who never learned to juggle.