I didnt go to work today. I called in sick, but i wasn't sick ... if you don't count 'sick of it all' that is. I didn't mean to ditch, but I hit the snooze button and woke up an hour later (instead of 8 minutes), which meant I should have been at work 10 minutes prior. i freaked out because I thought it was daylight savings time, but then I realized that clocks don't spontaneously reset themselves.
Definitly crawled back into bed and stayed there until 3pm, sinking into 'a deep dark pit of bitter and relenteles grief,' as Gretchen on Recess would put it. Why? I'm not even sad. My dad was a butthole to me last night, maybe that just bothered me a lot more than I'd thought. Maybe it was 'cause I felt rotten about calling in sick when I don't have any symptoms ... I've never done that before ... I even call in when I'm gonna be 5 minutes late. I wouldn't really care if I was an office whore or flipping burgers or something, but it's preschool, which is, in my mind, the best job in the world. The thought of me arriving an hour late (spring break, the bus sched is all fucked up) like a big lame-o was just too depressing. Still, I should have gone ... *sigh*
*feels guilty*

sometimes u just need to take a day for yerself unexpectedly... i support it

Sometimes the best thing you can do is just sleep all day and mope about things. As long as it isn't something you're doing all the time, you shouldn't feel too bad about it. Everyone needs a day off every once in a while.