Monday Dec 05, 2011 Dec 4, 2011 0 Facebook Tweet Email I fucking love all things LOTR. I fucking love Tolkien. gaaah. (we need serious nerd porn) VIEW 19 of 19 COMMENTS absentbree: thanks! A friend gave it to me for my birthday. I'm in love with it. Dec 11, 2011 signspoint2fail: All the nerd porn is made by people who are not nerds and therefore bad. All they would have to do is dress pretty brunette up like Leia in her slave costume and have Hon Solo come "save" her and it would make billions. But no they make whorelore. Thumbs down adult entertainment industry. Dec 14, 2011
All they would have to do is dress pretty brunette up like Leia in her slave costume and have Hon Solo come "save" her and it would make billions.
But no they make whorelore.
Thumbs down adult entertainment industry.