There has been some recent drama in chat that makes me pretty uncomfortable just logging in. This use to be a place I would go to relax and hang out with some amazing people. Unfortunately, some other people see chat as a way to spread gossip and hurt people's feelings. WHAT IS WITH THESE PEOPLE? Are their lives just so incredibly void of meaning they have to create gossip and involve other people? THIS SHIT IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS! Seriously, I just need a place where I can go and unwind and not have to worry about he said she said bullshit. I am no longer in high school.Shit, I didn't even like drama then. I'm 26. I have had some extremely horrible things happen to me in my 26 years. I have way more to worry about than if so and so cheated on so and so,and if what his face is flirting with that one girl. I'll admit. I have had my own share of gossip in the day. I'm not a saint. I have gone off on rants(this one).We all do it. But enough is enough. Maybe my expectations are just way too high. Maybe I'm a fool to think we can all be adults and make wise decisions. All I know is I can't take anymore hate. I am a peaceful person nowadays. I like it. I think I'll stay this way. You should give it a try.
I has a Tumblr
Click on it and
Here is a taste.

I has a Tumblr
Click on it and

Here is a taste.
Yum, eat it up!.
-From the personal desk of 8mm
Love the peaceful life, things are just easier