Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 28 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 28 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. (To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 28 random things, tag 28 people then click publish.)
<span>That's the rules but I'm not tagging anyone. I was tagged and I really like learning new things about my friends, so I will participate.
Here's my 28 random things...</span>
1. I worked at Mall of America for 4 years.It's the reason why I'm jaded and dislike people.
2. I consider myself to be a gourmand.
3. Skateboarding is very important to me but I haven't stepped on a deck in a long time.
4. I'm not a vegetarian but sometimes when I'm eating meat I feel like it's wrong.
5. one of my favorite pastimes is getting drunk and playing drums for hours with my friends.
6. I have dance parties by myself in my living room.
7. I play sims3 for hours only building houses and decorating them.
8. I don't want children.
9.I hate talking on the phone and avoid it like the plague.
10. I have a big interest in serial killers and criminology.
11. I drink 2 gallons of sparkling water a day.
12.Im a home body and don't like going out that much.
13. I have always dreamed of meeting a nice Jewish boy.
14. I crave the sounds of poorly recorded punk rock from the late 80's from Nor Cal. It feeds my soul.
15. I hate black olives.
16. Some of my closest friends I have never met in real life. I just chat with them online.
17. I'm allergic to cigarettes.
18. I love learning about History. It makes me giddy.
19. When I was younger I wanted to be an actress.
20. I was very unattractive until I was 17 .
21.I have never done cocaine
22. When I was little I had a crush on Mr. Rogers
23. I think expelling gas is one of the funniest, greatest things in the world.
24. I have very poor circulation and ,even living in LA, I am sitting here with a heating pad on my lap.
25. I love animals and am very happy when I get to pet them.
26. Drawing and painting is very therapeutic to me.
27.Plants make me very happy.
28. I have to pee right now.....uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.
29. I just peed myself.
<span>That's the rules but I'm not tagging anyone. I was tagged and I really like learning new things about my friends, so I will participate.

1. I worked at Mall of America for 4 years.It's the reason why I'm jaded and dislike people.
2. I consider myself to be a gourmand.
3. Skateboarding is very important to me but I haven't stepped on a deck in a long time.
4. I'm not a vegetarian but sometimes when I'm eating meat I feel like it's wrong.
5. one of my favorite pastimes is getting drunk and playing drums for hours with my friends.
6. I have dance parties by myself in my living room.
7. I play sims3 for hours only building houses and decorating them.
8. I don't want children.
9.I hate talking on the phone and avoid it like the plague.
10. I have a big interest in serial killers and criminology.
11. I drink 2 gallons of sparkling water a day.
12.Im a home body and don't like going out that much.
13. I have always dreamed of meeting a nice Jewish boy.
14. I crave the sounds of poorly recorded punk rock from the late 80's from Nor Cal. It feeds my soul.
15. I hate black olives.
16. Some of my closest friends I have never met in real life. I just chat with them online.
17. I'm allergic to cigarettes.
18. I love learning about History. It makes me giddy.
19. When I was younger I wanted to be an actress.
20. I was very unattractive until I was 17 .
21.I have never done cocaine
22. When I was little I had a crush on Mr. Rogers
23. I think expelling gas is one of the funniest, greatest things in the world.
24. I have very poor circulation and ,even living in LA, I am sitting here with a heating pad on my lap.
25. I love animals and am very happy when I get to pet them.
26. Drawing and painting is very therapeutic to me.
27.Plants make me very happy.
28. I have to pee right now.....uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.
29. I just peed myself.
you inspired me to do this..i never do these things..
come down to Guatemala, its warmer and i can show you around