I got drunk the day after I got out of the ER. I yelled at Ryan about the girl flirting with him on facebook. Then I messaged her, then she messaged me then her friend messaged me then I deleted like half my friends from my account then I just shut it down and fought with Ryan the whole night. he got really angry and I texted my neighbor about it. I'm so embarrassed. This really sucks. Now my neighbor thinks we are fucked up and I can't ever leave my apt. in case I may run into him. And I shutdown the only way I communicate with my friends because I was embarrassed about the things I said and did. I'm still reeling over it. And if that's not bad enough I missed Odette's party,which I promised I was going to attend, because I had to go back to the hospital.Also, eating hurts. My intestine is inflamed and when I digest food is feels like stabbing..I'm kinda depressed nowa days. I can't wait for something good to happen.

"you're like hot cocoa for the soul."
We've all made poor decisions. It's okay, just make good on 'em.