Well it's kinda been a crazy month. I found out some good news about Ryan's baby mamma and how she won't be bothering us anymore.(Knock on wood) Ryan and i are talking more and more about getting married.He calls me his wife for life and i love it.I swear to god I fall more and more in love with him everyday.
Found out that my sister is pregnant( AGAIN ) This time with an African man's baby. An African man who lives in Africa with a wife and kid. I am not talking to her till X--Mas when I have to. She about killed my mom with the news.I'm my mom's favorite at the moment.
I found a couple of gigs as a camera op. which is hard to do these days but i have made good connections. It's enough to keep my head above water for a while. I'm making enough in time for Ryan's birthday. We have been talking about getting tattooed together so im excited for that.
It's voting season, which I am excited for. I hope Obama wins.
And last but not least It's time for Halloween. My fav holiday. I don't know what im doing yet. Or if im even gonna dress up.But im sure it will be pretty rad!
Found out that my sister is pregnant( AGAIN ) This time with an African man's baby. An African man who lives in Africa with a wife and kid. I am not talking to her till X--Mas when I have to. She about killed my mom with the news.I'm my mom's favorite at the moment.
I found a couple of gigs as a camera op. which is hard to do these days but i have made good connections. It's enough to keep my head above water for a while. I'm making enough in time for Ryan's birthday. We have been talking about getting tattooed together so im excited for that.
It's voting season, which I am excited for. I hope Obama wins.
And last but not least It's time for Halloween. My fav holiday. I don't know what im doing yet. Or if im even gonna dress up.But im sure it will be pretty rad!
i'm sorry about your sister. i'm sure that's gotta be rough on the family. but, i guess being a favorite has its upsides, right? haha.
i too hope obama wins. regardless of what people say about his experience, i think he is the one that will really change this country and the economy. we really can't afford mccain. literally. it would just ruin us.
i want to get tattooed soon. i already have my next piece in my head, i just have to come up with a font for it and some money. i really wanted to get it done for my birthday but i know that won't happen. oh well, maybe christmas.
my luck i'm going to have to work on halloween. but whatever. if i have that saturday off then i can go to the sgfl halloween party, which would be cool. i'm totally going to be cheap and wear a toga, haha.
well, yeah. that was a long comment. xoxo.