okay so when i was 18 i married this guy who i thought i would be with the rest of my life. dumb right 18 first real love and i was head over heels for him. anyway about 2 years later everything went down hill and we split up , and in 2007 i got with my now boyfriend who i love with all my heart and we decided that we are going to try and make it work for us long distance while we both finish college and get into our careers but we both want to move to the same place and work in the same area, so we will one day be together if its ment to be (: and i am happy the way things are working for us granted its hard at times, but i love him and he is so freaking amazing to me <3 . but anyway it just so happens that after i moved back to my hometown my ex soon followed too, and i've run into him a few years and he always either trys to start shit with me or acts like he doesnt know who i am! so i just brush it off to bullshit and i dont let it bother me, needless to say he never filed for divorce so i took it about myself to file and get the papers together (since i am going to school for that sorta stuff) i am doing it myself, so he got with this girl who i dont know and i dont care to know and i didnt even know they were together and all of a sudden she starts shit with me i am like who is this bitch and why is she tryna fuck with me!? turns out she is with my ex hubby i found out thru the grapevine, so i am like okay well whatever i dont care (honeslty i dont ) i left him!!! i wasnt inlove withhim anymore he had cheated and lied and used me over over and over again and i was done with it!
so anyway after i got the papers written up we had some taxes we owe so i called him and said hey blah blah blah and we met up and he paid his half and i said okay when i get the papers together i'll let you know! meanwhile the only things he laid out for this divorce was the 150 for his half of the taxes! ive been paying for everything else. thats what i excpeted thou, and than the other night he calls me and tells me i wanted you to know that me and nikki are engaged, but i am still in love with you and she'll never fill that void!!! EEWWW i was totally disgusted!!! i said i dont know why you are calling me and telling me this but i am not in love with you and i havent been for a long time, i've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years now and i love him and i am happy with him, but i hope the best for you and nikki , but chris honestly i could care less what you and here do, i just want my diovrce final!
all i could think to myself after i hung up the phone is why the hell would he call me and tell me this? and how could he try and replace one person with another, i honeslty can say that even thou his new girl has tried to start drama and fights with me, and ive heard the rumors and all the crazy shit she has said about me and my boyfriend , i can say that i feel sorry for her, because all this is is a race for chris to see who can get remarried first and to try and replace what he once fucked up. so once again this marriage of his isnt going to be right.
and all i can think to myself, is how lucky and truly blessed i am to have such a wonderful boyfriend who thinks of our future and makes plans and believes in God and trusts the Lord that we will work out so he doesnt feel the need to rush into anything, that we love each other and are growing in love more together everyday and who loves me . and he trusts me and we have an amazing bond! i am so blessed and so grateful for my wonderful man in my life. i love him so much.
well thats all for now, til next time stay blessed!
so anyway after i got the papers written up we had some taxes we owe so i called him and said hey blah blah blah and we met up and he paid his half and i said okay when i get the papers together i'll let you know! meanwhile the only things he laid out for this divorce was the 150 for his half of the taxes! ive been paying for everything else. thats what i excpeted thou, and than the other night he calls me and tells me i wanted you to know that me and nikki are engaged, but i am still in love with you and she'll never fill that void!!! EEWWW i was totally disgusted!!! i said i dont know why you are calling me and telling me this but i am not in love with you and i havent been for a long time, i've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years now and i love him and i am happy with him, but i hope the best for you and nikki , but chris honestly i could care less what you and here do, i just want my diovrce final!
all i could think to myself after i hung up the phone is why the hell would he call me and tell me this? and how could he try and replace one person with another, i honeslty can say that even thou his new girl has tried to start drama and fights with me, and ive heard the rumors and all the crazy shit she has said about me and my boyfriend , i can say that i feel sorry for her, because all this is is a race for chris to see who can get remarried first and to try and replace what he once fucked up. so once again this marriage of his isnt going to be right.
and all i can think to myself, is how lucky and truly blessed i am to have such a wonderful boyfriend who thinks of our future and makes plans and believes in God and trusts the Lord that we will work out so he doesnt feel the need to rush into anything, that we love each other and are growing in love more together everyday and who loves me . and he trusts me and we have an amazing bond! i am so blessed and so grateful for my wonderful man in my life. i love him so much.
well thats all for now, til next time stay blessed!