Its already late enough and I can't ever sleep at night anymore and I can't tell you why.
Tonight I am just really excited because I haven't seen my boyfriend since the end of January!! Monday I am going to see him for a week (: and I am so happy!! A long distance realtionship really sucks!! I hate no being ablt to see him whenever I want to and spend alot of time with him like we used too when we lived 5 mintues from eachother, I mean we have been long distance for almost 2 years now and We've only been together for 2 years in may so we only really had like 3 or 4 months to spend as much as time together as we wanted.
It's hard enough being in a relationship but when that person you love with everything that you are or could be its even harder when that person is almost 300 miles away!!!
I know in my heart that we have a strong bond and we love eachother so much (: he makes me melt just thinking about him. And I know that one day it will be different. We will be together and this long distant shit will all be fucking worth it!!
p.s I really just want some sex (: but you all prolly fucking knew that one (;
Tonight I am just really excited because I haven't seen my boyfriend since the end of January!! Monday I am going to see him for a week (: and I am so happy!! A long distance realtionship really sucks!! I hate no being ablt to see him whenever I want to and spend alot of time with him like we used too when we lived 5 mintues from eachother, I mean we have been long distance for almost 2 years now and We've only been together for 2 years in may so we only really had like 3 or 4 months to spend as much as time together as we wanted.
It's hard enough being in a relationship but when that person you love with everything that you are or could be its even harder when that person is almost 300 miles away!!!
I know in my heart that we have a strong bond and we love eachother so much (: he makes me melt just thinking about him. And I know that one day it will be different. We will be together and this long distant shit will all be fucking worth it!!
p.s I really just want some sex (: but you all prolly fucking knew that one (;

it IS worth it in the just have to deal with the lame shit right now. <3