*yawn*...maybe I should go back to bed...
Just found out that my damn car needs a new sunroof assembly
You know, I'm beginning to think I should just walk down the street, wallet open, and let people take whatever they damn well please out if it. It'd be a lot quicker.
and maybe I really should go back to bed...eh - but it's just too damn nice out for that.
So here I am. I've been out drinkin' and had quite a good time. I'm pooped!
I'll be more courtious tomorrow
Just found out that my damn car needs a new sunroof assembly
You know, I'm beginning to think I should just walk down the street, wallet open, and let people take whatever they damn well please out if it. It'd be a lot quicker.
and maybe I really should go back to bed...eh - but it's just too damn nice out for that.
So here I am. I've been out drinkin' and had quite a good time. I'm pooped!
I'll be more courtious tomorrow
Forget curteious you are who you are
I debate staying in bed Every fucking day now...I need to quit my job and school...take a long vaca.