okay, enough of misery, for now at least. thanks to all you kind souls who offered words of encouragement. yes, it will get better, i know this.
go see Audio's set! right now! she's the most adorable thing in the world, up there with bloodhound puppies!
i'm drinking chai-flavored coffee and it's soooooooo good. maybe it sounds gross, but it's yummy.
back to work. by 3:30 this afternoon i will be a very happy abra. and i'm going to ladies' night (50 cent pabst, on tap!) and hanging out with my new partners-in-crime, the saucy Thursday and the dirty librarian yumchen. i know, lucky me.
oh yes, i think i'm going to get a labret piercing very soon. smallish steel ball, right below the center of my lip. comments? feedback? will it look okay on me?
love to you know who.
go see Audio's set! right now! she's the most adorable thing in the world, up there with bloodhound puppies!
i'm drinking chai-flavored coffee and it's soooooooo good. maybe it sounds gross, but it's yummy.
back to work. by 3:30 this afternoon i will be a very happy abra. and i'm going to ladies' night (50 cent pabst, on tap!) and hanging out with my new partners-in-crime, the saucy Thursday and the dirty librarian yumchen. i know, lucky me.
oh yes, i think i'm going to get a labret piercing very soon. smallish steel ball, right below the center of my lip. comments? feedback? will it look okay on me?
love to you know who.
..do what wills you to do so..then drink to celebrate..
Sunset Blvd. vs. Ninotchka. Thoughts? comments?