Took the weekend out to recover, why do i feel like a Juicer? Thursday was Rock n Roll i took in a gig at Eddies. 4 Bands each different from the last (apart from the first of course unless you count the sound check dude).
"Elmo Sexwhistle" who was the band i went to see despite having to run back downstairs half way through a song to pay a friend in, a nice guy moment. Then a couple of 15 year olds came onstage in old lady dresses with a lead singer who looked alot like Kurt Cobain and was even wearing Pyjamas. Yeah they were into there Grunge and what can i say? It took me back despite them sucking ass.
A Glam rock band which was quite cool but wouldn't have caught my attention if i hadn't necked a bottle of Red and was barely starting my 2nd bottle. Last but not least Trash Fashion who i have seen a few times and always entertain even if there was only two members, fuck it! It's a Rave Dave.
Friday Involved waking up in a bed with 2 guys which isn't as sexy as it sounds i just have no issues with sleeping with other people and laugh off any homophobe who makes poor quality jokes. Aslong as no one punches me in the ass while asleep (yeah i got him back in the morning for that) I don't mind. The rest of Friday Involved recalling Thursday.
Saturday i had Jam Practice all day and kicked the crap out of fellow friends on Tekken 5.
The End
I would like to dedicate this story to Rossato, you bring out the sophisticated Twat in me. I have my Yin Yang moments.
"Elmo Sexwhistle" who was the band i went to see despite having to run back downstairs half way through a song to pay a friend in, a nice guy moment. Then a couple of 15 year olds came onstage in old lady dresses with a lead singer who looked alot like Kurt Cobain and was even wearing Pyjamas. Yeah they were into there Grunge and what can i say? It took me back despite them sucking ass.
A Glam rock band which was quite cool but wouldn't have caught my attention if i hadn't necked a bottle of Red and was barely starting my 2nd bottle. Last but not least Trash Fashion who i have seen a few times and always entertain even if there was only two members, fuck it! It's a Rave Dave.
Friday Involved waking up in a bed with 2 guys which isn't as sexy as it sounds i just have no issues with sleeping with other people and laugh off any homophobe who makes poor quality jokes. Aslong as no one punches me in the ass while asleep (yeah i got him back in the morning for that) I don't mind. The rest of Friday Involved recalling Thursday.
Saturday i had Jam Practice all day and kicked the crap out of fellow friends on Tekken 5.
The End
I would like to dedicate this story to Rossato, you bring out the sophisticated Twat in me. I have my Yin Yang moments.
haha I wished I really looked like Miss Winslet!!