I have been very well lately having a certain choke hold removed which we will call Raven and now i can jam with friends without being given the third degree on how i don't spend enough time with her.
Saw the Aviator last night, it was slow at parts but i found Dicaprio's portrayal of Howard Hughes excellent (Maybe his first Unsexy role too).
In other news, I have been assaulted with ice cubes.
Saw the Aviator last night, it was slow at parts but i found Dicaprio's portrayal of Howard Hughes excellent (Maybe his first Unsexy role too).
In other news, I have been assaulted with ice cubes.
The Aviator is a great film. And who on earth would attack you with ice cubes in winter? It's sadistic I tell you

Some people indeed. Public transport sucks monkey balls. Life would be so much easier if we could teleport