Did Everyone have an Enjoyable Bonfire Night? The only warm day of Autumn/Winter but then when there's a fire 30ft high and 20ft wide just down the road it's understandable. Howcome i always get the do gooders? Do i possess an Aura of Tranquillity that brings them to me or do i just appear gullable? No i don't believe in your god, yes i am satisfied with this way of life, no i won't say a prayer and yes you are irritating me. Of course you get the odd one who entertains you for awhile (until they ask for a donation that is about as suttle as a speedfreak) but enough about he day. I noticed so many people pissed out of there faces Tonight (You would think roaring fires and Alcohol wouldn't mix) and drank 2 bottles of red wine myself (maybe alittle tipsy).
Some French do gooder: I believe to truly be happy we must help people and this is what we teach.
Me: To make people feel Guilty about being at a natural level of selfishness, we are all selfish but of course some more than others. To Truly be happy you must find out your own problems before trying to fix others, evolve our state of mind so that instead of feeling guilty of there privelidged lives they can understand what they feel is right.
The Joke is if i gave him a few quid straight away i could have savedmyself the hassle
Some French do gooder: I believe to truly be happy we must help people and this is what we teach.
Me: To make people feel Guilty about being at a natural level of selfishness, we are all selfish but of course some more than others. To Truly be happy you must find out your own problems before trying to fix others, evolve our state of mind so that instead of feeling guilty of there privelidged lives they can understand what they feel is right.
The Joke is if i gave him a few quid straight away i could have savedmyself the hassle
hows it going?