What a fucking night
You can have a bad night out and it can be either boring or just worthless but that doesn't usually bother me i mean if its a continous low it doesn't matter at least it hasnt shifted from highs and lows but people call them bad nights anyway. A bad night for me on the other hand is when everything is going right everything is unbelievably cool then *whack* it all comes down and that was this night.
I went to Costas and it was very dull but then i met this drummer and wanting to start a band asap i was thrilled i mean i know all the guys to start it now and then i moved out of costas and decided to have a cig on the steps outside the library due to costas being that bad. Met this Bum who had lived in Canada but was originally from here reminding me of my bum days over there in Toronto when i used to play guitar just to buy enough for a cup of coffee to keep me going for the rest of the day which was hard in the cold weather they have there. Usually i can't stand most bums especially the ones that nag and come up with some stupid fucking story about needing bus fair etc and there only homeless because the've been kicked out of there parents house or just too lazy to work but this guy i could tell was a true tragedy and didnt even ask for money and was even willing to buy a cig off me but i wasnt going to let him pay. A guy of deep knowledge and suprisingly had some interesting ideas (you may think im crazy talking to some bum but you don't have to read this if you don't want to). After that i got a laugh out of two junkies approaching my friend and i asking where they could find some dope the one guy coked up to fuck and all it was amusing. Alot of people despise junkies i see them differently but then again i was one once. The night was supposed to be about the Academy though and it was time to head up there to line up and see Becky and Amy in there but i was fucking ID'd at the door, FUCKING ID'D! i was beyond pissed off i havent had that for along time and of all nights they had to do that so i didn't get in. My friend and i smoking outside wondering what to do now he suggested Eddies but i wasn't in the mood anymore so i got on the next bus but im glad he still went. Longest bus journey i ever took i was no longer Angry but depressed and i didn't know why i mean it's only a club amd i thought maybe its because i wanted to see becky which i did but it wasn't that. It's because theres no such thing as a perfect night and something had to go wrong. It sounds really petty to be depressed over something as stupid as this but i over think everything and i make a big deal out of it i really have to control that. Ill probably delete this entry tomorrow realising it was just a vent.
My good friend Wine has helped, on my second bottle of the night now.
You can have a bad night out and it can be either boring or just worthless but that doesn't usually bother me i mean if its a continous low it doesn't matter at least it hasnt shifted from highs and lows but people call them bad nights anyway. A bad night for me on the other hand is when everything is going right everything is unbelievably cool then *whack* it all comes down and that was this night.
I went to Costas and it was very dull but then i met this drummer and wanting to start a band asap i was thrilled i mean i know all the guys to start it now and then i moved out of costas and decided to have a cig on the steps outside the library due to costas being that bad. Met this Bum who had lived in Canada but was originally from here reminding me of my bum days over there in Toronto when i used to play guitar just to buy enough for a cup of coffee to keep me going for the rest of the day which was hard in the cold weather they have there. Usually i can't stand most bums especially the ones that nag and come up with some stupid fucking story about needing bus fair etc and there only homeless because the've been kicked out of there parents house or just too lazy to work but this guy i could tell was a true tragedy and didnt even ask for money and was even willing to buy a cig off me but i wasnt going to let him pay. A guy of deep knowledge and suprisingly had some interesting ideas (you may think im crazy talking to some bum but you don't have to read this if you don't want to). After that i got a laugh out of two junkies approaching my friend and i asking where they could find some dope the one guy coked up to fuck and all it was amusing. Alot of people despise junkies i see them differently but then again i was one once. The night was supposed to be about the Academy though and it was time to head up there to line up and see Becky and Amy in there but i was fucking ID'd at the door, FUCKING ID'D! i was beyond pissed off i havent had that for along time and of all nights they had to do that so i didn't get in. My friend and i smoking outside wondering what to do now he suggested Eddies but i wasn't in the mood anymore so i got on the next bus but im glad he still went. Longest bus journey i ever took i was no longer Angry but depressed and i didn't know why i mean it's only a club amd i thought maybe its because i wanted to see becky which i did but it wasn't that. It's because theres no such thing as a perfect night and something had to go wrong. It sounds really petty to be depressed over something as stupid as this but i over think everything and i make a big deal out of it i really have to control that. Ill probably delete this entry tomorrow realising it was just a vent.
My good friend Wine has helped, on my second bottle of the night now.
Well im not a love thy guitar kind of guy i mean its just wood pieces of metal and string but it would be a nightmare not having some sort of guitar to play.
*Points at Amy* Amy has Uber pink hair, i am jelous i really am