Hello everyone,

I hope this finds you well and warm. It is a bit cold this morning here. Temperature was 21 (-6 celsisu) when I woke up. Well it is almost that time of the year. But I have my coffee with me and warm socks on.

Thanks for the support on my last blog. But I am finally out of the shadows of that...
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Hey guys and gals. I hope that this writing finds you well.

I have been fighting this depression pretty well over the years. But since Friday it seems to have been getting the better of me. I think I am going to go seek outside help through the Veterans Affairs doctors. It just feels the same from when I wake up till I lay down...
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It helps when I feel down to do something really caring for yourself. I burn incense for the therapeutic properties and put some music on that's easy to listen to. It helps for me. Just try ways of being good to yourself to lift your spirits. Do you live in the UK? If so, you could call the Samaritans on 116 123, they're great. I hope this helps


I hope that everyone is doing well. Sorry for my absence from the blogging and just being around. I just recently got around to putting a personal computer together. So yay! Not just limited to my phone.

So I stopped working two jobs, so my sanity has gotten better. I can only imagine trying to juggle two jobs and a relationship/family. That would probably...
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II just wanted to take the time to say thanks for reading and responding to my blogs everyone. It really makes my day.

According to the VA doctors I am 14 times more depressed than the normal person (shock to me). I don't go out of my apartment much except for work and the occasional visit with family and friends.

I just started writing on...
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@freyahz besos!
Ha! That's an amazing mantra <3 

Hey gang, How is it going? Me, I am hanging I am doing all right. It's been a rough week. But I am a believer that it can not be all good. I mean you can not have good days without some bad ones. If they all were good days then wouldn't that become mundane? You have to have something to compare it with. So...
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Today is just one of those days that I feel just done. I work a full-time job. I also work a part-time job. I took the part-time job just to get me out of the apartment a few nights a week as well as to help support my paintball equipment/ tournament costs. But recently they've been giving me more hours to work and they usually...
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Take care of yourself. I'm in a similar situation right now, and trying to make sure that I still take time to breathe and take care of myself.
Thanks for the comments. Everything else is ok. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other :) I do that pretty well. I have a few paintball tournaments coming up. 1 is the 4th of June and the other is on the 8-9 of July. I'll try and upload some pictures. Take care out there!

Today was a rough day for me in regards to the past. I know the past is the past and that there is nothing you can do but accept it. I am told I have PTSD according to the Veterans Affairs Office. And I do not know if this will follow me the rest of my life but I sure hope I will be able...
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It's amazing how a small gesture turns your day around. Just a simple smile and a wave or saying hello brightens your day. I had this happen at work. So be sure to say hello or engage in small talk with someone. You might be making a difference in their day.
The war sucks!(((