Let's say a guy named Fred is attracted to a woman named Martha. He asks her out to a movie; she accepts; they have a pretty good time. A few nights later he asks her out to dinner, and again they enjoy themselves. They continue to see each other regularly, and after a while neither one of them is seeing anybody else.

And then, one...
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I think it's a priority issue rather than an attention issue @almost_missed, Men prioritize in a general sense A B C etc. Usually based on level of personal impact and time sensitivity (emotion usually falls away in other words) where as women are very detail oriented I find, leading to specific prioritization A)123 B)123 C)123. Usually based on level of personal impact and emotional impact. Obviously this is only from the small segment of the world that I witness and personal opinion but it seems to show a gap in understanding between how the two sexes communicate and how they place value on the words spoken, context, and meaning! 
Ya @rubblerocks I've been there, it's annoying, seriously sometimes all I am thinking is "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts 🎤 deedily dee, there they are all standing in a row 🎤 bum bum bum.... "

@stormyent has gone PINK!!! CEEEEEEELEEEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON! Ahem very proud of her.

@stormyent congrats beautiful!
@stormyent you got that through hard work and patience and I don't think I am as proud of another pink announcement as I am this one, you change the world with your views, strength, and willingness to share! You then wrap all of that with kindness and a killer booty! I can't wait to keep seeing what you do next, so don't stop lol. 

You may hate country music but forget the genre for a moment and see the message beneath the sound!


Crowded hallways are the loneliest places

For outcasts and rebels

Or anyone who just dares to be different

And you've been trying for so long

To find out where your place is

But in their narrow minds

There's no room for anyone who dares to...
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I tend to say how much I dislike country, but when I stop and listen to the words, it moves me most every time! My favorite part of what you posted is..."every heart has a rhythm, let yours beat out so loudly that everyone can hear it."
Though the words are not mine I share the sentiment, and this is an amazing place to strengthen and showcase that rhythm @naturesavor

Im not sure how to fix the physical ailments of a cold but I am feeling soooo much happier after surfing SG, drinking pure mint leaf tea, and watching The Smurfs all night!!! La la la lala la, la la la la laaaaaa, this is smurfing awsome!

I have a feeling I am really going to enjoy your blogs!! :)

Yes just scooped up some tix, it sux your all so far away Id love to party with each and every one of you but thats life... unless you are going to be in Edmonton on Apr 5th and we CAN party together... ooooooooh Im as giddy as a fat kid baking a cake and its pure coincidence that I am, in fact, baking a...
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Very awesome blog bro! So glad that you found the courage to step out of comfort zone. You seem like an awesome guy and I get there are tons of girls out there who would love to meet you ^^ Btw meet @theatombomb he is an electrician too ^^


If you're ugly, I'm ugly too
In your eyes the sky's a different blue
If you could see yourself like others do
You'd wish you were as beautiful as you, yeah
And I wish I was a camera sometimes
So I could take your picture with my mind
Put it in a frame for you to see
How beautiful you really are to me...
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Totally agree with you man! Girls nowadays just can't see the beauty in themselves even if they do they still feel that isn't enough. Always end up seeking affirmation of themselves but always in the wrong places and end up getting hurt =\
I dont think its about "girls nowadays can't" but rather society puts alot more pressure upon todays women I turned on the T.V. today and within one hour this was what I was told women should be "lose weight get the guy, feel good the way you are, dress pretty, dare to be different, perfect smile, perfect abs, new makeup, new hair, dont change, smoke, dont smoke, drink, dont drink, tighter bum, better smile, be strong and independent, dont be overconfident, your meant to be with a man, its okay to be gay...." is it any wonder why a girl today has trouble growing into the woman she wants to be? The worst part is its not even a gender blame game anymore, women are doing this to eachother now as much as men do it to them. Its time people stop pushing their own ideals on other people and just love one another for who they are, help when asked but stay quiet otherwise!

Okay so I am realizing nobody gives a crap about what I look like or what I sound like, whats even more important is that I am not ashamed! So as I am having a 3 day weekend for our Family Day Holiday I figure I will make a vlog but I have no clue as to what I should talk about or the overall...
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Ha Ill translate it @kirbie some of my best friends are Newfs so I have a pretty good ear for it, and I can call them if you get to confusing ha!
Yes! Anything! Vlogs are so much fun.