My apologies in advance for any random musings this post may contain, sometimes it's good to just let the brain do it's thing.
So I am on Nights for the week, and it's day five...or is it six? Hell I don't even know anymore, the last couple shifts at least went by fast, tonight it feels like the clock is moving backwards every time I...
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So I am on Nights for the week, and it's day five...or is it six? Hell I don't even know anymore, the last couple shifts at least went by fast, tonight it feels like the clock is moving backwards every time I...
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ty for serving, vacation is more than deserved. good job! 

Greetings folks, it has been a long time since I have written any sort of blog. But I figured now that I am back in circulation in the world I would write some impressions from the places I have seen, please remember that these are by no means a full travel guide (why you would want to travel the places I work in is beyond...
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Back out in the world, living the dream.....ah who the hell am I kidding. I am back in a country that I swore I would never come back to four years ago, good morning Iraq! Did you miss me?! Well so much for adventure down here, it's pretty much the same thing most day's. Hell I am getting more time surfing the web, then I...
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Heading back to FL soon, not really looking forward to it. Nothing has changed in the last 4 months I was not there, so I'll pop in for a few day's and then I'll be gone. Stay with my folks, catch up with some friends (hang out at HRC and bother the security guys lol), pack all my stuff, and square the last paperwork away...
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I hear ya, bro. I'll be back in FL next month and am already planning two trips elsewhere.
I am a war addict, I just realized that recently. You wouldn't know it by looking at me, nobody ever does. I am a tall, skinny bastard who mostly has his head in a book, and tends to be pretty quiet around other people only speaking when actively engaged, and even then not for very long. I don't beat my chest, try to overpower people...
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Yeah, it's hard for people to understand why it is we choose this life. And I certainly feel the need for more adventurous contracts.
1st chance I get to take something other then Iraq, I'll be going out the door.
I recently had a long conversation with several of my friends which all seem to have run in the same vein. Since I will be leaving the country again for my job, the question of "why would you do that?" Tends to crop up a lot, as to why I would go an put myself back in harms way, when I should just sit here...
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Whole week of range time coming up, going from Tuesday all the way through Saturday outside. I get to be a meat Popsicle again, and freeze myself to death on Quantico. Yay (FMR) !
DC is still boring as hell, to many straight laced people up here, seriously where can someone go to just relax, and have a drink without being crushed by a crowd...
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DC is still boring as hell, to many straight laced people up here, seriously where can someone go to just relax, and have a drink without being crushed by a crowd...
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I feel you, brother. I've got a qual in less than a week and we just got a foot of snow. Thankfully though, it's just one day to get there, shoot the qual, and leave. It's a quarterly thing... Stay warm!
So intro to being a Secret Agent Man is done, next up How to do it in a War Zone. This should be even better, oh and then there is the medical portion I mean where else can you practice things that are almost true to life (sorry can't detail that
). On an unrelated note, it is damn cold up here in DC, I'm...
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So you are the white knight of the group huh? Totally sweet. I don't think its too cold outside is it? I hate leaving the house on sundays lol. Im such a little weirdo 

Don't tell the rest of my guy's that, better to keep that one a secret. But I can appreciate that you think it's sweet, I always did like being called that. It wasn't cold Sunday, but today there was snow its been 14 years

So on this weeks program, and for the indefinite future. How to Act like a Secret Service Type Agent 101. If your in the DC area over the next few weeks, and near the mall's or out on the road, and see a bunch of guys rocking business suits, ear pieces, and trying to look hard give us a wave. This is what I'll be...
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so how'd that work out for your holiday season? <3
Well I ended up with a ton of stories about it, people have no idea how hard it is to look serious when you want to laugh at them, because their freaking out over the fact that they think your Secret Service (I'm not
). Holidays were a blast, at least the working days. Overall not bad at all, even if it meant being away from family.
Stay Easy ; )

Stay Easy ; )