Hey luvs! Hope you're all well. I'd just like to say another massive thank you for the support and love on my first set. You guys are amazing! 💕
In other news, I'm thinking of setting up a Patreon, but I'm just wondering how many people would be interested if I did set one up? I need to get a lil more understanding into how it works, but once I've got an idea of what I'm doing I think it'll be a likely possibility. If anyone can give me any pointers when it comes to setting one up and running it too that'd be amazing! 😘 Anyway, I'd love to hear how you guys feel about it.
I've been super poorly this week. I didn't get to go out for my birthday night, but me and my boy ordered pizza and had a night snuggled up watching movies which, to be honest, is what I'd much rather be doing at my age now. 🙄 Also I've decided to pack in smoking; it's been 48 hours since my last cigarette - not a huge feat or cause for celebration but I'm pretty proud of myself! The only problem is I'm craving sweet stuff, so I need the will-power to avoid stuffing my face with chocolate too.
That's all for now! I'm gonna spend my evening cuddled up and probs getting angry at how bad I am at playing The Witcher. xo