What a crazy 24 hours that was! The amount of love my debut set received in that time has overwhelmed me and your comments have been so sweet. 💕 Thank you to everyone who has viewed, liked, and commented - I had a moment a couple of months ago where I doubted myself and wondered whether I should bother actually pursuing this, but the amazing reception from this community has picked me back up again.
I've wanted to do this for the longest time. I want to inspire others who were bullied, like me, for being different or looking different.. or for their body being a way they couldn't help. For those who've ended up hating their bodies and treating themselves and their bodies poorly because of cruel words they've had said to them. Life isn't about proving yourself to anyone, but it sure does feel good when you can prove your bullies wrong. So thank you guys so much for making me feel so welcome and the incredible reaction Monochrome Sweetness has been given from you. I can't wait to upload more sets!
In other news, it's my birthday! Ended up spending last night ordering pizza and watching Guardians of the Galaxy II instead of going out.. but to be honest, it was hella cold outside and there was no way I was leaving the house. I'm also pretty pleased I don't have to spend my birthday hungover. ✌
I'm gonna go open some presents now.. 😘 But thank you all again and I can't wait to share more sets with you 💖