It has been a while. The weather is steadily getting warmer and the light lighter which makes me happy and excited for the possibilities of summer. Summer in Edinburgh is always beautiful; there are so many parks in which to lounge, so many secretive streets to explore and photograph. I used to adore winter but have increasingly found the darkness depressing and isolating, even for a relatively introverted person as myself.
On that note I have spent a great deal of time and effort over the last year working on my social anxiety. It has been fairly crippling in the past, making meeting new people nigh on impossible and even gatherings with friends intimidating, but I think I'm finally over the worst of it. This has mostly come through forced interaction - I attended conferences and meetups with fellow artists despite my brain screaming to return to the nest, and although it was difficult I really feel like I've made progress. People are often surprised when I tell them that I suffer from anxiety, I guess I have become good at exuding confidence even if my true state of mind is quite the opposite. This year I will be attending a concept artist meetup in Berlin and a big one in Portugal so we can really put this to the test :)
Enough of my ramblings, I'll share some new paintings as usual as well as some photographs from my instagram [abigbat]. I hope you are all ace.