My dog fell down today and hurt his poor little leg. He is getting so old. Tomorrow is his appt at the vet. I am crossing my fingers that all goes well.
I just dont understand why people can't let other people be when it is none of their business. Fuck them!!!!
On the other side of things yesterday was ggrrrrreat!! My friend and I played some old school mario brothers 3, ate chinese(it was junk food day) and just hung out. It was so fun not to have to worry about anything.
I just dont understand why people can't let other people be when it is none of their business. Fuck them!!!!
On the other side of things yesterday was ggrrrrreat!! My friend and I played some old school mario brothers 3, ate chinese(it was junk food day) and just hung out. It was so fun not to have to worry about anything.