So l'm back on here...
l had my trip to Europe and it was great and l had my trip to New York and it was short and sweet. l've been working until about the beginning of August and now l have little to no work. Financed will be fine once September/October comes around but until then l've got to be cheapish. l'm currently working on a show for a theatre festival here in Toronto which has been alright but not too exciting... and of course - because it's theatre - l'm not getting paid. Right now it feels like it's cutting into my summer but it's something to put on my resume once it's done. lt's not a bad show but it's hard to feel energetic about something when your backstage cleaning up everyone's mess.
l had my trip to Europe and it was great and l had my trip to New York and it was short and sweet. l've been working until about the beginning of August and now l have little to no work. Financed will be fine once September/October comes around but until then l've got to be cheapish. l'm currently working on a show for a theatre festival here in Toronto which has been alright but not too exciting... and of course - because it's theatre - l'm not getting paid. Right now it feels like it's cutting into my summer but it's something to put on my resume once it's done. lt's not a bad show but it's hard to feel energetic about something when your backstage cleaning up everyone's mess.
Have you put up pictures of your trip? I love pictures of Europe!!!