Apparently the inability to sleep was common tonight. You would think something is going around.
A game for sleep dep
Not sure what really to post. Life has been moving as allways. There are so many games going on right now! Last count placed it at something like every weekend night I can now LARP. Now if only I wanted to game that much.
Been reading a lot more psych stuff since summer semester ended, thinking of specializing in abnormal psych. Had an odd moment of sayla when it occured to me I was keeping up with my profs, and on things that no one else in class understood (well atleast yet).
Ohwell guess I will do the only thing that seems to work for getting me to sleep, clean something. I so blame the BavarianBitch for this.

I used to post a bunch of quotes in my updates, it padded my entries, and no one ever complained... so since this is a proper update (of a sort) I thought I would throw some more out.
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to punk rock music. And punk rock music leads to Vegas."
"Home? I have no home. Hunted...despised...living like an animal! The jungle is my home. But I shall show the vorld that I can be its master! I shall create a new race of people - a race of atomic supermen that vill conquer the vorld!"
-Bela Lugosi, "Bride of the Atom"
"I'd like to create this little box that you can't help but
buy. Inside of it is not what you'd hoped for, but something really extraordinary and weird. If you can appreciate it, you're granted some sort of eternal grace. And if you're just a pissed off consumer, you shit your brains out of your asshole."
"The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad."
-Salvador Dali
7-26 update
This is so twisted!

Take your pick.
You know, I *kind of* miss larping. Being Dobsobba was the uber-shiznat.
Or ever the uber-pooper-shiznat.
In other news, I am constructing a mix cd for the big D. News as it develops.
pps - do i know her?
ppps - i just wanted to make three p's. it's super.