Crazy ass coolness.
How to cock block a whole club.
Yeah so me and stryka went out dancing last night. Sweet night, cruised greek week until we found a club for fun. Crashed it with style, and intimidated the whole damn dance floor. Ok, now here comes the cock blocking. Pretty much from second one of us getting there we were mobbed by people hitting on us, frickin meat markets. So we spent most of the night keeping the other from getting pawed on. I think my ego may need a couple days to come down from this one. LOL arg and if you know me its all ready huge. Hell the funniest oddity of the night was when people started ask our permission to dance with the other one.

In other news
I just finished my summer courses! So it looks like I will be spending the rest of the summer doing research for a professors dissertation, and working in a "nut house".

Yeah and if it takes this long for me to update again... well feel free to beat me with reeds or something.

update for 7-11
Random thought....
If I were meta-agnostic, I'd be confused over whether I'm agnostic or not -- but I'm not quite sure if I feel that way; hence I must be meta-meta-agnostic.
-Doug Hofstadter, GEB
This is so wrong, but so funny.
WoW is the best!