Ok, so why is logical philosophy so... well non logical?
I am sensing the need to smoke mental crack, my text has proofs in it, but no math. Apparently some how I am supposed to learn how cat plus dog equals mule.
During the intro to the class we got the. "If any of you are going to be lawers you will need this class" speech. Next time I meet one I so want to ask if they took it, and then commit them if they did.
I am sensing the need to smoke mental crack, my text has proofs in it, but no math. Apparently some how I am supposed to learn how cat plus dog equals mule.

question... do you have a small green hatchback car? if so were you on Paper Mill RD the other day? I might have seen you while I was working.
Huh? whaaaaa? Is this a class you are taking at UD? I think I just changed my mind about joining you there. Why do YOU have to take it for psych...? Would I have to take it? Dog + Cat = Mule? Actually it seems more likely that Donkey + Horse = Mule... Since Mules are Asexual Hybrids of the combination of those two..