--Reporting from the reaches of the computerless drudgrery--
My life has been downwardly circulating into a strange land populated by home repair snow.... lots of snow.... oddly matched threesomes and poetic pop culture smashed against my calendars biological clock.
more from me when i get near another computer.... I miss my blinky box....
My life has been downwardly circulating into a strange land populated by home repair snow.... lots of snow.... oddly matched threesomes and poetic pop culture smashed against my calendars biological clock.
more from me when i get near another computer.... I miss my blinky box....

You sir look extremely familiar. Do you go to the Rogue's Den? I mean... I've only been there myself once in the past six months. Don't feel like going into the story of why. But I thought I might as well ask.

I miss you. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Where are you sweety? please come back! or call me or something!!!!!!!!!