Its kind of like the calm between the storms.... X-Mas is over but New Years isn't here yet.
Its like we have the biggest family holiday. The a week later we have the biggest party holiday. Now that is irony.
Life is strange. (is that new?
Schedules going to hell....
Fratsters invading my fav bar
Insomnia acting up again
So questions for you all.
1. What are your new years resolutions?
2. Where are the new years eve parties this year? I know about pitt and DodRaibeid, but nothing in Philly yet.

Life is strange. (is that new?

Schedules going to hell....
Fratsters invading my fav bar

Insomnia acting up again

So questions for you all.
1. What are your new years resolutions?
2. Where are the new years eve parties this year? I know about pitt and DodRaibeid, but nothing in Philly yet.

1. Stop smoking-Its going on a ten year habit.
2. Take better care of myself physicaly and mentally aka stop falling victem to self destructive behavior.
3. Join a organization to volunteer at ex:RAIN or something
I don't make any resolutions because I never stick to them.
I'll be at Dod's party tonight!!! See you there!