RIP James Freud!!!!!!!
I'm very very sad!! James Freud, co-lead singer and guitarist/bassist of the seminal post punk Aussie band Models died a few days ago. He committed suicide following a long fight with his alcoholism, unfortunately it finally beat him!
My video eulogy! Some of my favourite old Models tracks!
The man was a rock god!!
(James has the black hair and good looks!)
R.I.P James, we will miss you!!!
I'm very very sad!! James Freud, co-lead singer and guitarist/bassist of the seminal post punk Aussie band Models died a few days ago. He committed suicide following a long fight with his alcoholism, unfortunately it finally beat him!
My video eulogy! Some of my favourite old Models tracks!
The man was a rock god!!
(James has the black hair and good looks!)
R.I.P James, we will miss you!!!
Yeah, it's definitely worth the hassle of unlocking it every time you want to use it. At least if it gets lost or stolen some random weirdo doesn't have your photos! 
