As per shotgun my blog is old.
Ah well.
- New -
...Pens are on a winning streak.
...Purchased my Motley Crue / Godsmack tickets today
...New Sykora and Letang jerseys
I totally wrecked my car in like December... flipped it. It was totalled so I had to get a new car. My selection .... Mazda 3. It's quick. I like that.
I need to go to ikea soon...
Apparently I will be in Canada wed and thurs with Shotgun. Sweet. Always wanted to go to there - Especially for the Hockey Hall of Fame... hmm... maybe, just maybe I can squeeze it in?!
Ah well.
- New -
...Pens are on a winning streak.

...Purchased my Motley Crue / Godsmack tickets today

...New Sykora and Letang jerseys

I totally wrecked my car in like December... flipped it. It was totalled so I had to get a new car. My selection .... Mazda 3. It's quick. I like that.
I need to go to ikea soon...
Apparently I will be in Canada wed and thurs with Shotgun. Sweet. Always wanted to go to there - Especially for the Hockey Hall of Fame... hmm... maybe, just maybe I can squeeze it in?!


: yaaaaayyy canada